I'm still studying my butt off (30+ hours plus a full time job and whatever attention home requires), so my writing is behind to say the least. If you thought my content has been new, I have had you well tricked, but my archive is well stocked and my posts are scheduled. Keep your eyes posted on my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter for shares of old posts, recipes that keep me moving, drink concoctions I'm trying, the occasional quick update and my resurfacing in July summer. In the meantime, enjoy my May freebies as consolation!
What I'm Doing
- Ordering all of my groceries online...I haven't set foot in a grocery store since 2017. The price is a few cents more per item, but the time saver is clutch when every minute counts! Check out Instacart here and get $10 off your first order..
- Barbecuing for Memorial Day weekend (at home of course...with study materials in hand) - check out some of my favorite recipes.
- Still studying...see you in 2020 when the dust clears and my brain recovers.
- Going off the grid to study, study, study (this post and a few others was written weeks ago and scheduled to auto publish) - if its not architecture, its not on my to-do list.