
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Rotting Deviled Eggs with Creepy Crawlers

Deviled eggs are a standard party recipe, but go the extra mile for Halloween by letting them rot before serving them to your guests. This recipe is pretty easy, but is time consuming thanks to the extra creepy steps. These were a creepy, tasty treat that really freaked out my guests. Definitely worth the effort! Despite the effort, eggs are a great budget-friendly item at the grocery store. 1 dozen at my local Aldi store costs only $.89 and yields 24 of these spooky deviled eggs. The remaining ingredients are standard pantry items, requiring no additional investment. You'll also score bonus points from your gluten-free and dairy-free friends for this recipe!

Rotting Deviled Eggs with Creepy Crawlers

Prep Time , serves 12.


  • 1 Dozen Eggs, Hard Boiled
  • 1/2 Cup Low Fat Mayonnaise
  • 1 TBSP + 2 TSP White Vinegar
  • 2 TSP Yellow Mustard
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste
  • Food Coloring


    1. Up to 48 hours in advance, hard boil 1 dozen eggs. Follow the timing from Food Network for perfect hard boiled eggs, every time.
    2. Let eggs cool in an ice bath. Refrigerate until ready to move to step 3.
    3. Up to 24 hours in advance, once eggs are cooled, crack shells in several places against hard surface. DO NOT PEEL.
    4. Mix 1 cup boiling water, 1 TBSP white vinegar and 6 drops each of red, yellow and blue food coloring.
    5. Place eggs into dye mixture for 5 minutes minimum. The longer they sit the better. The dye will seep through the cracks and dye the egg white. 
    6. Remove the eggs from the dye and let dry completely. Refrigerate until ready to move to step 7. 
    7. On party day, peel eggs.
    8. Slice eggs in half long way. Scoop out yolks and set aside whites.
    9. Mash the yolks and mix with remaining 2 TSP of white vinegar, mayonnaise and mustard. Add salt and pepper to taste.
    10. Stir in several drops of yellow and green food coloring to egg yolk mixture until a muddy green color is achieved.
    11. Using a pastry bag, pipe mixture back into egg whites. Crack pepper over tops and served chilled. (Fresh cracked pepper will stain the eggs for more rotting effect)
Halloween Pro Tip: Pick up some plastic bugs from your local dollar store. Scatter these over your food platters and tables to really freak out your guests once you dim the lights. To re-use, simply soak in dish detergent and let dry!